Feeling Financially Insecure? Our Enemy wants us to Feel we don't have Enough

One of the names God calls Himself is Jireh, which means "Provider". You may remember the song "Jehovah Jireh", though I prefer to call Abba, Yahweh (Since He told me to call Him Yahweh). Anyone who knows their Dad, Father God, as their Provider will always feel secure. The enemy of our souls works his hardest to prevent God's children from knowing Him in this way, so he can torment them with the fear of insufficiency "not having enough". When presented with this fear, those who buy into it will forfeit the grace and blessing that could have been theirs (Jonah 2:8). Reacting to this fear, we become self reliant; yet the opposite is true; if we let go of our pride (self-reliance) we give space for God's blessing and power in our lives.