by Tom Clark
October 19, 2021
Awake unto Righteousness for your Redemption draws nigh!
by Tom Clark
October 4, 2021
Time does not heal all things. The power to heal lives inside the words we speak, however much time it takes to say them.
by Tom Clark
September 27, 2021
What will your Homecoming be like when you enter the Kingdom of our Father?
by Tom Clark
September 22, 2021
Was the Son a Carpenter or a Builder/Creator like His Father?
by Tom Clark
September 17, 2021
I am God the Father and I approve this Message!
by Tom Clark
September 14, 2021
The words our Father speaks to us are the most important words we will ever hear: they are life to us.
by Tom Clark
September 7, 2021
Nothing exists in a state of neutral. Everything is always moving. The question you should be asking yourself is where is my life moving toward: order or chaos?
by Tom Clark
September 3, 2021
On the road to helping someone else find their destiny, you will find your destiny!
by Tom Clark
September 2, 2021
Choose you this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my household we will serve the Lord!
by Tom Clark
August 23, 2021
How would you feel today if you knew you were Invincible?
by Tom Clark
August 14, 2021
Buckle up Buttercup! If you have not had an experience with the Almighty you will very soon. It would be better for you to pursue Him now, before you are confronted with Him later.
by Tom Clark
August 11, 2021
So many people are afraid today. What can we learn from David that we can apply to our lives today?
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