"It's Been Arranged"
In the movie "Gladiator" the character Commodus leans over to Lucilla, his sister and speaks to her about a coming event. He says "It's been arranged". Rather than an evil person in a powerful position making that statement, doesn't it give us confidence and something to look forward to, knowing God our Father has said something very similar to us; His children. When looking forward to our destiny and our future in Him, we can be assured "It's been arranged". He has our backs, He made arrangements before the foundations of the world and before He even created Adam and Eve. We have a good, good Father, who wants us to know our future is safe with Him: "It's been arranged". Now, I can go to sleep at night knowing no matter what happens the next day, all things will work out right and for my benefit because He is a good, good Father: Absolutely Good!