Thought from My Father: Bring onto Me the Children

The innocence of children is never to be underestimated. The fact that children are innocent seems to attract the worst forms of Evil. Why is Satan so focused on preventing children from connecting with the Father? Satan knows his days are numbered; it's coming to the end for him; it's the end of the age. Mal. 4:6 "He shall  turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to the fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse". We are seeing children's souls and bodies being horrifically abused today, hurting their psyches and destroying their identities. The politicians and teachers union want to lockdown the schools. There are horrific reports of pedophilia, child sexual abuse, transgender initiatives for children and even Satanic Ritual Abuse are all directed at the children. The next great move of God the Father is about to deal a mighty death blow to those who are participating in these activities. He will save the children! Are you courageous enough to speak out and stand with the Father?